RENEW Program

RENEW (Reform Education for a New World) is a non-profit organization that promotes a more balanced, holistic and integrated education system that would result in more creative and visionary individuals, leading to a more peace loving and harmonious society for our future generations.

RENEW programs and methods will augment the existing academic/textbook based learning that over stimulates the left brain, by also focusing on the right brain, that relates to self-awareness, inter-connectedness, creativity, love, compassion, adaptation, respect, and reverence towards nature – where true knowledge resides.

RENEW will include the following 4 phases:

1. Develop and launch specialized online programs for elementary school students (K-6).
2. Develop and launch specialized after-school, weekend, and/or summer classes for elementary school students (K-6).
3. Open a pilot elementary school based on the principles of RENEW.
4. Engage with educators, education institutions, and policy makers to bring about education reform at the county, state, and federal levels.

We encourage you to share RENEW concepts widely. Please email us at and we will send you this document for presentations and forwards, free of charge.

Click below to view the RENEW Strategy Presentation:

RENEW Strategy

Call to Action


We need $250,000 in order to launch Phase 1


We need support with continuing to communicate the principles of RENEW to parents, teachers, educators, and policy makers


We need volunteers who are:

  • passionate about education reform,
  • connected to education institutions, schools, and individuals who are interested in education reform, and
  • experienced in the fields of education, fundraising, technology, and program administration.

We need your help in order to reform education for a new world!