Twenty children 5-10 yrs old massacred in USA
Twenty children 5-10 yrs old massacred in USA, 22 kids stabbed in China, many crimes against children in India and around the world. That was 2013, but the situation is no different today. We cannot think of a single country where crime against children are not committed. Our societies seem to be on a high-pitch, fast track roller-coaster ride to more consumption, more accumulation, more wastage, violence and destruction. And we call this culture and civilization. Imagine what children are thinking about all this. Clearly, this is an unfriendly world for them. and how future generations will judge today’s collective mind-set.
Do we wait helplessly, like insensitive self-centered creatures, for society to change or can we join a movement to co-create a more intelligent and compassionate society. We invite you to join RENEW; and hope that a critical mass people with vision would share some time and talent to carry the vision forward.
Here is a quote to help soul-searching. From an excellent eye-opening book “Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight” by Thom Hartmann, the following passage written by Neale Donald Walsch (author of “Conversations with God”) as “afterword” for the book by Hartmann
“If you decide to ignore this information, you will co-create one kind of future. If you decide to act on it, you will co-create another…. When I read this book I knew that I could never view my life in the same way again. I could see myself as part of the problem, or as part of the solution, but I could never again see myself as having nothing to do with either… We know enough to take part in changing the collective consciousness, and write a new “story” of human experience.
You may feel like a voice in the wilderness, but it is your voice we are waiting to hear. Let us act, at last, in the best interest of us all. Then the sun will shine another day, and another still, and life will not merely go on, but achieve its highest expression, its grandest glory, its greatest joy. Can we give this gift to our children? Please say yes.”